Congratulations Graduates!

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
- Deuteronomy 31:6

On May 5th and May 6th we witnessed the 63rd Kindergarten Graduations of Westwood Christian School. Along with parents, family, friends, and staff we were given a glimpse of the milestones that each of the K5 students have achieved. We were so proud of these precious 5-year-olds and their teachers, Ms. McVeigh and Mrs. Patino. At the close of the first year that Westwood Christian opened (1959) we had 89 K5 graduates. To date we have over 4000 little graduates. Little did we know in 1959 how Westwood Christian would impact so many lives!

The Senior Class of 2022 will walk across the stage on May 19th to receive a well-earned diploma! These High School graduates have completed their course, finished their journey, and are now about to embark upon the real adventure called life. Graduation does not mean learning is over, but in reality it is just beginning. Over the past 46 years we have seen 1500 seniors graduate. They have gone to colleges and universities all over our nation and have chosen hundreds of professions to enhance the communities in which we live.

During the last few weeks, I have had the pleasure of seeing alumni of Westwood Christian at special events. These young adults expressed how thankful they were for the godly education they received while attending Westwood Christian. We are so proud of our many Alumni and the continuation of spiritual growth in their lives. The impact of Westwood Christian is felt all over our community!

Our goal at Westwood Christian is to give all of our students an excellent education with a firm biblical foundation. These graduates will face many life-altering decisions and our prayer is that with God’s help they will make the best decisions and reap blessings through positive consequences.

Graduates - please remember you are special to God and a great blessing to us here at Westwood Christian School.

Praying for you,
Pastor Marc